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Expandable modular house

Expandable modular house

Expandable modular house

Advantage:  The outlook is more beautiful, the interior arrangement more flexible, the sound insulation and heat insulation with better performance due to modular T-house without visible column of (external) surface. It is a better choice to use for office of construction companies and display room.
Casa T Prefabricada Modular

Following customer requirements to design, then all of T-house’ components are processed and finished at workshop, at last deliver them to site and set them up. It can shorten construction period and also can protect the working environment.
Application: It is widely applied to use as temporary house for engineering camps, government arrangement buildings, large-scale games and commercial events, etc.

There is no standard for Expandable modular house, the interior space is expandable, so the columns, beams and room space of buildings can all be customized. That's means we can design the project according to customer's requirement with the maximum extent.


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